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Nov 30, 2018

Recently Jim Hawkins, a Sales Manager and Caliber Military & Veteran Lending Professional (CMVLP) hosted his sixth annual Wounded Warriors weekend. The event was held on Jim’s ranch in South Texas and was filled with white-tailed deer hunting, food, and fun. The weekend concluded with the City of Menard, Texas honoring America’s Military Veterans with a parade.

Jim and his brother, Jay, sponsor these annual events along with the Patriot Warrior Foundation (PWF). They were introduced to PWF by a family friend. They wanted to do something to show their appreciation to those who sacrificed so much while serving our country. The Hawkins brothers committed to helping warriors get reacclimated into civilian life. Jim is a veteran so it didn’t take much to convince him that PWF was a worthwhile endeavor. He understands first-hand how challenging the transition from military life can be, and even more so as a wounded or injured veteran.

Patriot Warrior Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping wounded servicemembers realize they can still lead a productive life despite their injuries. The group connects a recently wounded warrior to a warrior, with similar injuries and who has successfully adjusted to civilian life. Past success stories indicate these healthy relationships provide a safe place for warriors. They tend to discuss concerns that they may not otherwise feel comfortable sharing.

PWF provides morale-boosting events for America’s wounded and injured Veterans and their families such as fishing, hunting, and target shooting. The activities aid in the servicemember’s transition back to a healthy and active lifestyle as quickly as possible.

PWF’s programs are supported through donations and fundraisers only. To learn more about the Patriot Warrior Foundation or if you are interested in donating, please visit PWF.US.com.
